There is a time and place for all things. Including the dissemination of truth.
Recently I have been asked to keep a secret. No, I’m not telling.
Now I recognize that I actually keep a number of secrets on a regular basis. It is a greater part of my occupation as a card reader.
“Keeper of Secrets” might be a better job title.
Complete strangers take a seat across the table from me and within moments we are addressing their innermost concerns, the secrets held in their heart.
Very little small talk.
How refreshing.
Then the person leaves my table and so with them leaves my memory of our conversation. No ties to anything.
Having a safe place to divulge a secret provides great relief in itself.
In service only do I seek the loving response from a place of non-investment in your personal situation.
Such a place of honor.
Thank you,
--Ana Cortez