Help! I'm Dreaming!

Here I am in Santa Fe, in my lovely casa fria. Hardly anything has gotten done around here. You see, I'm helpless in the grip of a new card reading - a combination between a "game" and a reading given in a dream on Thanksgiving morning.
Still within it's hazy grasp, I woke from the dream and grabbed my deck of cards from the bedside table - laying out cards in formation on the sheets. It was a gigantic spread (36 cards) and I knew if I did not lay them out then and there the game would be lost. I lay back down after a time (it was a holiday after all!), closed my eyes and re-entered the feeling of the dream. Forgotten nuances tippy toed back into my conscious mind. Still there were holes - questions regarding the spread. It seemed I was given the most important points and the rest was for me to piece together, like a puzzle with multiple layers.
It's been a week now, and cards swirl 'round in my head on a daily basis. No, this is not unusual for me, but it has turned from a manageable flurry to a down-right blizzard. "Oh well!" said Alice (or is my name Ana?), "The world can wait. After all, it is cold outside and I like my house good and messy."

The layout can be seen on Youtube:


Ancient Egypt is synonymous with cats. The great Sphinx is depicted as a hybrid being: part cat, part human. Cats were revered as sacred. Cat-like eyes appear in the depictions of people. But does this point to more than a fetish for these furry felines? Could this be a clue into the nature of aliens in Egyptian history?
In answering this question it is interesting to note that Egyptians were particularly interested in the astronomy of the star Sirius. Multiple signs of this have been discovered, including perfect astronomical alignments of pyramid features to Sirius.
Now we come to a connection. Numerous people who claim to have been visited by Sirians (including Astarte!) have described them as cat-like. Photos depicting visitations appear with mysterious, misty cat features.
This begs the question: Could Sirian beings have visited Egypt? Is it possible they even mixed with the Egyptian race to produce hybrid DNA? Certainly humans possessing cat features might suggest this and may have been a pictorial clue left for us by Egyptians in their relics.
Were the rulers of Egypt super human by virtue of their supernatural DNA? Did they possess special knowledge and powers bestowed on them by their mixing with the Sirian race?????
Many cultures have written of their "Gods" from the sky having divine "relations" with human women to produce offspring with special abilities. Could these be more than myths? Is it a coincidence that modern day accounts of mysterious pregnancies purportedly associated with extra-terrestrial encounters abound as well? Is this the same phenomenon? Are extra-terrestrials inserting their DNA purposely into the human race?
When discussing this connection between the Sirians and Egyptians over the telephone with my good friend Astarte, we simultaneously (as it often happens for us) received multiple waves of very strong "downloads." Very exciting!!! I have come to understand these waves of spine-tingling energy as my guides in spirit shouting "Yes! Yes! Yes!"
The supernatural exists amoung us. It is a reality, not a fantasy. I believe we all possess abilities beyond what our "rational" minds allow us to think. Is it possible there is a little supernatural DNA that has been mixed in and passed down to all of us, just waiting for activation? And just what would it take to activate it?
That, dear reader, I will leave to your very own fantastic imagination.....


I have been given two predictions I am going to share with you. Both were given in dream state, which is where I receive much of my information and assistance.
Number one, I was shown the 4 of Spades. Suddenly, my ordinary dream was interrupted and I was shown a deck of cards. The hands holding them jerked and a small number of cards fell from the deck. I know from experience how powerful it is when cards are given like this. You don't ask, and yet there they are. Quickly I scrambled to see the cards that fell and they only allowed me to see one: the 4 of Spades.
Speaking in cards is as comfortable to me as speaking English so this was a strong message indeed: however, cards are a cheshire game. Always there is room for interpretation or intuition to fill in space. In this instance, this card is a message of a rough ride ahead, a powerful influx of energies that will either shatter you or make you more powerful. Beware of the old luxuries of idle directing of thoughts, negativity, or otherwise mis-managing your energy. The 4 of Spades calls for all your resources, and all your karma to be reconciled.
According to recent government data, three very large solar flares occurred consecutively, on the 4th, 5th and 6th of this month (November 2010). Be prepared to notice your issues presenting themselves in 3D! This is all for clearing, as massive amounts of energy are raising the frequencies and the old, low frequency garbage will be coming up so we can release it. GIVE THANKS AND LET IT GO!!! Breathe it all out!!!! Trust in the intelligence of the universe. Also interesting that the prophecies came in the wee hours between the 5th and the 6th.
I mentioned I was given two prophecies. The other was the date of May 5th (5/5 - the number of change). This is interesting and also connected with the 4 of Spades. They showed me the card and the date were basically so much the same that in the dream I could not differentiate between the date and the card. I say interesting because last year I was given the date of May 5th (!) and it turned out to be a biggie. I did a reading for it as the date was approaching and they showed me fire and banks. That was the day of the riots in Greece over the economy where the rioters actually burned down a bank. How more "right on" can you get? Also that day there was a massive solar flare (also a fire element occurrence) surpassing all solar flare activity for several months time. Solar flares are all about amping up energy voltages here on earth, big energy influxes that create lots of 4 of Spades type experiences.
So hold on and get ready for riding that bucking bronco of big shift - and don't say I didn't tell you so!.


I am learning to approach life as a listening exercise. It is my continuing practice to "tune in" to all that is in and around me, just receiving. I want to honor the intelligence of the present moment, and lean less and less on the "logic" of the thinking and planning "me" that has held tyranny over my existence for lifetime upon lifetime.
Now I am here.
This morning brought an incident that confirmed so beautifully the wisdom in trusting instinct over logic.
Here's how it went.
I found myself at the gas station, as I have been planning to do this for a while since returning from a lengthy drive. Knowing my car as I do, I also knew that my oil would be low after my trip and had been planning to get both gas and oil in one efficient Phillips 66 swoop.
The morning was gorgeous. The temperature perfect and the sun shining. There was almost no one else at the station.
I got the pump going and sat back in my car, thinking about the oil. I needed to go inside the station to get it. Hmmm....
I didn't feel like it. I couldn't exactly explain it. "Tuning in" as I do, sometimes I will not go inside a gas station if I get any inkling of not feeling safe. This was sort of like that, and yet there were no other cars pulled up at the gas station so logic was not giving me any support.
"I should just go in," I told myself. "It's the perfect time to just go buy a can of oil."
I went to get out of my car and felt a subtle but noticeable resistance. I didn't feel like going.
"Okay. I am willing to honor my feeling." I thought to myself. "My car will probably be alright if I get oil sometime later."
I just sat in my car, trying to stay out of my head and just enjoy the experience of the present moment. I surrendered to just watching the numbers flip on the pump.
As I watched the gallon count nearing where I knew the capacity of my tank to be, I heard a new sound. It was the sound of gas pouring on the ground. I jumped out of my car and pulled the nozzle from my tank which was continuing to spout gas even though the tank was full.
Gas was everywhere.
I was finally able to manually shut the gas off and went into the gas station to let them know about the faulty nozzle. I felt fire in my blood but managed to remain kind and calm with the clerk behind the counter.
Driving away I had a realization. Had I not followed my instinct to stay in the car, as illogical as it seemed, I surely would have been inside the gas station when the tank reached full. Who knows how long the gas would have been spouting all over my car and the ground beneath my car.
Not always do incidents such as this make sense to my mind so quickly in the aftermath, but it was great to have a good confirmation.

Everyday Oracles - far from ordinary!

Photo by Greg Backlund

"Symbols are oracular forms - mysterious patterns creating vortices in the substances of the invisible world. They are centers of a mighty force, figures pregnant with an awful power, which, when properly fashioned, loose fiery whirlwinds upon the earth."

- Manly P. Hall, Lectures on Ancient Philosophy, p. 356.
So my question to you, dear reader, is what symbols or "oracular forms" are making their way into your world???