A lot has been happening since my move to NM. Grooving to a whole new flow. The pace is very different down here and I am experiencing a whole new way of being. So far so good. Kind of like surfing a wave.
On the brink of unveiling a new teaching tool for The Playing Card Oracles (my book) which is called Card Reading Mastery. It is what it says and will include CD's, a video, and small book.
Nothing else like it. There will be announcements so no worries.
The art of card reading is about to jettison to a whole new level. Viva la playing cards!!!Oh yes, for a
personal reading with me go to
anacortez.org and then the Readings link. Lately I have found that combining a reading with the healing described on the Healing link page is particularly wonderful for shifting energy and bringing in a new perspective. I can put them both into one half-hour session if you request it.